Cinq speakeuses Duchesses @ Devoxx Anvers 2014
La semaine du 10-14 Novembre aura lieu Devoxx à Anvers en Belgique, conférence autour de la plateforme Java.
Voir plus de femmes speakeuses aux conférences est l’un des objectifs de Duchess France, alors nous sommes très fières des 5 speakeuses de la communauté Duchess qui animeront des sessions à Devoxx cette année.
A ne pas râter le BOF sur le thème justement des femmes speakeuses qui aura lieu le jeudi soir : Women and female speakers in the Java ecosystem - How to ameliorate the current situation?
Tour d’horizon des présentations de nos speakeuses :
Monitoring in the era of DevOps, Lean and BigData, Conference par Claude Falgière
Monitoring is not sexy, lets talk about Docker instead!
Application monitoring is an understated topic. It moved discreetly towards recent paradigm changes, BigData, Devops producing new tools and practices. Practices as design for failure and lean leverages monitoring, Cloud monitoring services emerges, monitoring moves to Hadoop and Elastic Search and other appealing visualization tools. I make a bet: tomorrow you will love doing monitoring and will not do without it anymore.
Claude (@cfalguiere) is a devops coach and Application Performance expert. Consultant at Valtech Paris. Co-leader of Devoxx4Kids France and interested in funny ways of teaching programming. Also a member of Duchess France and a Devoxx France commitee member.
OAUTH2 FOR NATIVE APPS, Tools-in-Action par Corinne Krych
Do you want to build a cool iOS/Android app to share your photos on Twitter, Facebook or Google+? If so, you will need to authenticate through OAuth2. Instead of using their own authentication schemes, most providers choose to implement OAuth2, the latest revision of the OAuth protocol. It gives users a secure way to talk to their services, but more importantly, allows users to safely authorise access to their data from third-party services without giving them their credentials.
If you think security topic is hard to tackle, join me in this live coding session. We’ll delve deep into OAuth2 protocol and see the challenges to overcome from a native app perspective: embedded web view vs external browser, URL schema for callback, local storage for tokens, refresh access tokens transparently…
After this session, OAuth2 will have no secret to you!
Corinne (@corinnekrych) is dev for over 15 years (when you like it you don’t really count), she never goes too far from coding. Open minded and curious, she likes to try new stuff and chat about it; Polyglot by heart (going beyond the JVM) and addicted to clean code, she likes to share and exchange ideas in local user groups or conferences. Those days, mobile is her playground, AeroGear her open source family. iOS is her platform by heart as her commits will tell.
Lightning-fast Machine Learning with Spark, Tools-in-Action par Ludwine Probst
Today in the Big Data world, Hadoop and MapReduce are highly dominant for large scale data processing. However, the MapReduce model shows its limits for various types of treatment, especially for highly iterative algorithms like in Machine Learning. Spark is an in-memory data processing framework that, unlike Hadoop provides interactive and real-time analysis on large datasets. Furthermore Spark has a more flexible programming model and gives better performances than Hadoop.
This talk aims at introducing Spark and MLlib by showing off through a Machine Learning example how it differentiates itself from Hadoop, in regards to its API and performances. And as a closing note we will quickly explore the growing Spark ecosystem with projects like Spark streaming, MLlib, GraphX or Spark SQL.
Ludwine **(@nivdul)** is a curious and passionate developer. After a Master Research in Mathematics, she starts learning computer science and today she is very interested in the Big Data and Machine Learning ecosystem. Now she works as a Data Engineer at Cityzen Data on machine learning and real-time processing. She is very involved as a Duchess France Leader, an association to promote women in IT, inspire and encourage them. And she is an active member of the GDG Finistere/Paris (Google Developer Group).
The 10 rules to write better UI tests with Selenium, Quickie par Mathilde Lemée
UI testing is an important part of testing. It’s easy to write simple UI tests, but not that easy to build a readable and maintainable test suite. What are the patterns to know when dealing with UI testing ? What are the common mistakes that you can easily avoid ?
In this talk, we will answer the questions on what patterns are used to build maintainable UI test suites and what are the common mistakes easily to avoid ?
Mathilde (@MathildeLemee) after having worked for Software AG (Terracotta) in 2012 as R&D engineer on Ehcache and Bigmemory, works now as freelancer in Paris. In 2010, she co-founded the JDuchess France Chapter, an organization to connect female Java developers and promote visibility of women in the Java eco-system. She blogs on about performance, general best practices and testing. She is a regular open-source committer and the creator of FluentLenium, a wrapper around Selenium that provides a fluent API, used in other open-source projects like Play!2. She is a regular speaker at Java conferences in Europe. She is also a mobile educative game editor ( on iPad/iPhone and Android.
Mongodb aggregation pipeline, Quickie par Pauline Iogna
Working on a project that make statistics, I met the power of the framework aggregation pipeline of mongodb, and I would like to share this experience in a quickie. I will present how the aggregation framework works, based on the principle of pipelines. Through a step by step example I will build a complex query that will explains each of the main operators.
Pauline (@_p_a_u_l_i_n_e_) is a passionate developer and a Duchess France member. After a Master, she starts working as software engineer in a startup in Paris. She is also a teacher at the university, so she can combine both advantages of looking for new challenges as an engineer and sharing her passion with students as a teacher. Interested in the java language, unit tests and mongodb, she likes working on backend projects.
D’autres speakeuses à Devoxx
Mandy Waite, Developer Advocate at Google specializing in Cloud technologies. Heather VanCura, from Oracle Nilay Yener, from Eteration (business analysis and testing on mobile and web applications) Shanee Nishry, Developer Advocate at Google with the mission to make game development easier, efficient and fun Emily Fortuna, software engineer working on the Dart programming language and libraries Birgitta Boeckeler, Lead Developer with ThoughtWorks Denise Jacobs, Founder + Chief Creativity Evangelist of The Creative Dose Julia Ferraioli, Developer Advocate working on Google Cloud Platform Angela Caicedo, from Oracle