Rencontre avec Ashe Dryden, speakeuse à Mix-it sur la diversité dans l'IT
Pour continuer cette série d’interview de développeuses, je vous propose d’en apprendre un peu plus sur Ashe Dryden. Ashe est connue dans la communauté des rubystes. Mais elle ne donnera pas de talk sur Ruby lors de la conférence Mix-it (Lyon, le 29-30 avril), elle animera plutôt la session Programming Diversity. Elle est l’auteur du livre “The Diverse Team”. |
Ludwine : Who are you ?
Ashe : My name is Ashe Dryden. I’ve been a programmer for the past 13 years, but for the past 2 I’ve been focused on increasing diversity in tech.
Ludwine : Could you describe your typical day ?
Ashe : My days are so varied! I spend a good amount of my time traveling for conferences and other events, educating people about diversity and inclusivity work. I do consulting with conferences and startups on what they can do to be more accessible to all kinds of people. In between all of that, I do a lot of writing, both for my book as well as online where I do culture critique and resource creation. I also do a lot of work over email - helping people who are in tough situations with nowhere to go, connecting people who are looking for a better working environment, or pointing people toward resources that will help them discuss things with their companies.
Ludwine : You will talk about Programming Diversity at Mix-IT. Could you tell us more ?
Ashe : The talk covers why we have a lack of diversity in tech, why diversity is important to everyone, and what we can do about it. It includes a lot of research I’ve done over the past couple years.
Ludwine : You are very invested in the IT community. What gives you this energy? What/who inspires you ?
Ashe : I am very invested, yes, because this is the only field I’ve ever known. I love programming and want everyone to have the access and opportunity without being pushed out prematurely. Truthfully, new programmers inspire me the most. I speak to a lot of people just discovering their passion for programming and seeing them get excited about making things for themselves makes me remember why I love it and why it’s important to improve the outlook for all programmers.
Merci Ashe pour cette interview :)
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